“Pain I lived in before meeting this Doctor was unreal! Now I sleep…stand…walk…sit…run…and live because this “genius man” knows how to “heal the bones.”
He’s invented restorative apparatus to correct issues that couldn’t be resolved previously.
He’s a genius alright! Straight up-straight out brilliant!!! And, he’s a kind hearted soul. (I am a ” Hands-On Community Leader”…for Children and Homeless.)
There is so very much work to be done, I couldn’t afford a long recovery time. I prayed for one operation…one side of my poor ole broken down pain riddled back…I had already let go way too long… to “do it!”
I prayed for a miracle and Dr Ali Mesiwala…and his incredible team delivered it! One…not two sides…many hours in operation…healing now, years later…(if I keep the weight off…don’t lift anything heavish)…I’m so healed I can help others.
He restored my life.
Moving to Rancho Cucamonga has reshaped his support staff to accomodate our patient needs better.
Back pain is the no.1 debilitating effect on Americans.
We are blessed to be able to access his care. Other doctor’s patients have benefited from his revolutary procedures…flying patients from all parts of the world to receive his “healing care.”
No.1…On my top 10 Best Doctors List!
A personal “THANK YOU” for restoring my quality of life”